You'll find any documents that have been released under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) in one of our disclosure logs.

If you'd like copies of the documents listed in this log, you can email, call us on 07 4226 8680, or fax 07 4226 8686.

You can also write to us at PO Box 902, Cairns Qld 4870.

2021/2022 Disclosure Log

1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022

CHHHS reference number Date of application Scope of application Outcome of application
- - - -

2020/2021 Disclosure Log

1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021

CHHHS reference number Date of application Scope of application Outcome of application
RTI 20/2142 20/01/2021 Availability / stock of BCG Vaccine (August 2020 to present) 1 page full access

2019/2020 Disclosure Log

1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020

CHHHS reference number Date of application Scope of application Outcome of application
RTI 19/1719 23/07/2019
  1. The Role description and position number of every position to an open merit selection process where the role is a base grade position in which the Qld public section certified agreement (No.9) 2016 (EB9) applies.
  2. The selection report for every closed merit process undertaken for every position identified in point 1. Above prior to the commencement of open merit selection process – role descriptions, notice of vacancy, selection reports.
    Dates: 8 June 2017 to 30 June 2019
Deemed Decision

2018/2019 Disclosure Log

1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019

CHHHS reference number Date of application Scope of application Outcome of application
RTI 19/1692 20/06/2019 Figures detailing how many reports of bullying were reported via CHHHS human resources unit for years 2013-2019 on a yearly basis. Also seeking any documents or emails referencing “Australian Medical Association Queensland 2018 Resident Hospital Health Check” for period November 1, 2018 through to May 1, 2019 59 pages full access

2017/2018 Disclosure Log

1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018

CHHHS reference number Date of application Scope of application Outcome of application
RTI 18/1358 03/04/2018 Any documents, including emails, memos and briefing notes, related to Ros Bates MP to visit the Cairns Hospital and Health Service 172 pages full access

2016/2017 Disclosure Log

1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017

There were no RTI requests for this financial year.

2015/2016 Disclosure Log

1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016

CHHHS reference number Date of application Scope of application Outcome of application
15/812 29/09/2015 Original Scope of application was:

Documents relating to SAC 1 cases at Cairns Hospital. The date of the incident (month and year), incident details and corrective actions taken.

Date Range: April 1, 2014 until September 28, 2015.

Amended Scope:

  • SAC 1 Clinical Incidents at Cairns Hospital
  • Year of incident
  • Root Cause Analysis information (incident description, actions taken, results of action and clinical review outcomes) now out of scope

Duplicate information to remain within documents

9 pages released
(Identifiable patient information has been removed)

2014/2015 Disclosure Log

1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015

CHHHS reference number Date of application Scope of application Outcome of application
RTI740 01/05/2015

1. Workforce profile for the Department of Health and all HHSs

  • Quarterly totals for workforce as a percentage of total workforce (head count)
  • Measures: MOHRI Occupied Head count
  • Numerator: MOHRI Occupied Head count: all categories of the workforce
  • Denominator: MOHRI Occupied Head count: all pay points for all categories of the workforce
  • Source: HR Payroll

From: 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2014

2. Workforce profile for Nursing skill mix

  • Quarterly totals of Nursing workforce as a percentage based on Student and Assistants in Nursing (grades 1 and 2), Enrolled Nurses (grades 3 and 4), Registered Nurses (grades 5 to 8) and Nursing Executive (grades 9 to 12) compared to total nursing workforce (FTE)
  • Measures: MOHRI Occupied FTE
  • Numerator: MOHRI Occupied FTE: Sum Grades 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 to 8, 9 to 12
  • Denominator: MOHRI Occupied FTE: all nursing
  • Source: HR Payroll

From 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2014.

3. Affected position spreadsheets or other documents that contain information outlining all roles / positions (full time, part time and casual) that have been or are to be affected the the restructure / redesign / re-establishment of the Department and HHSs and can often be found attached to a "Implementation Plans of the HHS, Business Case for Change, Activity Management Plans and/or Organisational Restructure" or other similar document. The document/s would include, but not be exclusive to, data about roles / positions that:
a. have been or are to be made redundant via an expression of interest;
b. have been or are to be made redundant via HHS directive;
c. are held by staff that have been redeployed; and
d. that have been created as a result of merging two or more positions;
e. the number of staff that may have been redeployed;
f. the number of staff that may be redeployed; and positions.
From 11 December 2013 - 31 December 2014.

4. Voluntary Separation Packages - A quarterly breakdown of the total number of 'voluntary separation packages' from 1 January 2011 - 31 December 2014 for all categories of the workforce.

11 pages - Partial release (PDF, 646KB)
RTI709 04/03/2015 Documents relating to:
  1. Number of clinical incidents recorded at Cairns Hospital from January 2, 2014 until February 1 2015
  2. Breakdown in how many of these incidents were categorised under ‘falls’ how many were medication errors and how many were due to ‘neglect’ in this timeframe
  3. Information regarding medication errors – when did this happen and what was the mistake
  4. Information regarding any cases of neglect including dates of the incidents and a summary of what occurred.

Revised Scope:

  1. Description of SAC 1 clinical incidents occurring within Cairns Hospital that have been finalised, including the documented outcomes
  2. The number of SAC 1 clinical incidents that remain in progress occurring within Cairns Hospital
  3. Description of SAC 2 clinical incidents occurring within Cairns Hospital that have been finalised, including the documented outcomes
  4. The number of SAC 2 clinical incidents that remain in progress occurring within Cairns Hospital

Please contact RTI manager for a copy of this document

(Personal particulars of employees such as their names and mobile telephone numbers have been removed as irrelevant information)

RTI682 28/02/2015

1. Workforce profile for the Department of Health and all HHSs

  • Quarterly totals for workforce as a percentage of total workforce (head count)
  • Measures: MOHRI Occupied Head count
  • Numerator: MOHRI Occupied Head count: all categories of the workforce
  • Denominator: MOHRI Occupied Head count: all pay points for all categories of the workforce
  • Source: HR Payroll

From: 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2014

2. Workforce profile for Nursing skill mix

  • Quarterly totals of Nursing workforce as a percentage based on Student and Assistants in Nursing (grades 1 and 2), Enrolled Nurses (grades 3 and 4), Registered Nurses (grades 5 to 8) and Nursing Executive (grades 9 to 12) compared to total nursing workforce (FTE)
  • Measures: MOHRI Occupied FTE
  • Numerator: MOHRI Occupied FTE: Sum Grades 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 to 8, 9 to 12
  • Denominator: MOHRI Occupied FTE: all nursing
  • Source: HR Payroll

From 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2014.

3. Affected position spreadsheets or other documents that contain information outlining all roles / positions (full time, part time and casual) that have been or are to be affected the the restructure / redesign / re-establishment of the Department and HHSs and can often be found attached to a "Implementation Plans of the HHS, Business Case for Change, Activity Management Plans and/or Organisational Restructure" or other similar document. The document/s would include, but not be exclusive to, data about roles / positions that:
a. have been or are to be made redundant via an expression of interest;
b. have been or are to be made redundant via HHS directive;
c. are held by staff that have been redeployed; and
d. that have been created as a result of merging two or more positions;
e. the number of staff that may have been redeployed;
f. the number of staff that may be redeployed; and positions.
From 11 December 2013 - 31 December 2014.

4. Voluntary Separation Packages - A quarterly breakdown of the total number of 'voluntary separation packages' from 1 January 2011 - 31 December 2014 for all categories of the workforce.

Application withdrawn
RTI 23/10/2014
  1. Documents between 6-21 October 2014, including reports, internal memos, audits, reviews, executive summaries, ministerial briefing notes and emails, relating to the testing and / or assessment of a patient for Ebola virus at Cairns Hospital.
  2. All documents between Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service, Queensland Health, the Federal Department of Health, and the Minister for Health.
Application withdrawn

2013/2014 Disclosure Log

1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 CHHHS reference number

CHHHS reference number Date of application Scope of application Outcome of application
13/448 12/02/2014 Clinical data relating to misdiagnosis within Cairns Hospital 2 pages released
13/492 12/02/2014 Hospital and Health Service affected positions spread sheets 7 pages released
13/400 06/11/2013 Public Health Records relating to Listeria investigations by QH Public Health Units 87 pages released

For any disclosures that were made before July 2012, please refer to Queensland Health's disclosure logs.

All of our documents are in PDF format. Let us know if you need a different format or if you'd like hard copies.

Last updated: July 2024